Hey there! I'm currently on a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

I will be unavailable for commercial video work from August 2021 - June 2023.
Scroll down to learn more about what I'm doing as a missionary!

I have been called to the Rome Italy mission, which covers the southern half of Italy! This map shows where I will be for the next two years.

What's especially cool is that my Mom is from the island of Sardegna, which is part of my mission. I have an aunt and a cousin there, as well as many family friends.

If you want to see pictures of where I am and what I'm up to, check out my Facebook profile by clicking here!

What do missionaries do?

We are unpaid, volunteer representatives of the church who engage in proselytizing, church service, humanitarian aid, and community service. We serve for 2 years and don't get to choose where we go! The mission assignment could be to any one of the 399 missions organized worldwide. We teach lessons to anyone that will listen, and our primary goal is to bring people to Jesus Christ.

Where did you get assigned?

I was assigned to the Rome, Italy mission. It covers the entire southern half of Italy, including Rome, Sicily, Sardegna, and much more! After 6 weeks of missionary training (online, because of COVID) I will be sent off to Italy to spend the next two years serving the Italian people and teaching about Christ!

What do we believe?

We believe in God and his son Jesus Christ. We believe he has a plan for us and wants to guide us. He wants us to be happy and improve our lives by becoming more like Jesus Christ. We have a prophet and twelve apostles who lead and guide our church, just like Christ structured his church when he was on the earth. We believe in and love the Bible, and we have a second book of scripture called the Book of Mormon which teaches us even more about who Christ was and how he can change your life.

If you want to learn more, head over to ComeUntoChrist.org!

How can I contact you?

The best answer is Facebook or email! You can find me at facebook.com/evanjaycook. I'll be posting photos and stories on what I'm up to over in Italy! You can also email me at evan.cook@missionary.org. I'd love to hear from you. If you want to be on my semi-weekly email list just let me know.